I spent a magical Sunday morning with this little man and his baby brother. Though a most unusual event occurred, as halfway through our morning, just as he was showing me his favourite game and some school certificates for amazing work… he left, just vanished. Suddenly I am face-to-face with Spiderman. Now these strange things can sometimes happen with no explanation at all. The next thing I know Spidey is bouncing on the bed, spinning webs around his brother’s toys and generally saving the world, as you do when you are that kind of superhero.
“Mummy, can she (that’s me) come back again tomorrow for a sleepover?” said Owain. By my reckoning, this has got to be the most heartfelt testimony to date. I have since told his mummy that I’d be delighted to, but only if he lets me raid his dressing up box next time!