If grandad was an animal he'd be a buffalo - a photo story
There is no doubt in my mind, how incredibly special a bond between a grandparent and child can be. So when JUNO, a magazine with a natural approach to family life, asked me to explore through photographs what this might look like, it was pure joy, if a little emotional at times, to watch some of these relationships unfold for me.
"Having Grandchildren is the best present your own children could ever give you. They are miniature versions of your children, and though they are like them in many ways, they are wonderfully unique"
I asked each of the children and their grandparents the same questions before the photoshoots began. These ranged from wanting to know what kind of animal they might be, how they make them laugh, to the types of inventions they would invent if they could, to make that other person's life more easy or even happier. Their responses were hilarious, intelligent and sometimes reduced me to tears.
"I'd love to invent a flying carpet so that she could see more of the world in the most magical way"
If you scroll through this post, you may notice one of the children featured is my own daughter, Jeanie. I photographed her with her grandparents, my parents. This gave the project an even stronger connection as I rarely photograph my own family in this kind of situation. I found it fascinating to stand back and observe how they responded to the same questions, scene-setting and guidance I give to other families that I photograph. How are they are seeing me right now? As a photographer, mother or daughter... which role was most present? It was unusual and quite moving for me to shoot.
"If I was a famous inventor, I'd invent a saddle so that I could ride about on grandpa's back"
It is true that grandparents' roles and the relationships our children have with them are different to when we were children, as well as our parents before us. More households than ever have both parents working outside the family home so grandparents are an integral source of childcare to them. But I find it quite amazing how they balance the must-do's and structure of the day given out by the parents (their own children). To still being able to have fun, step back and enjoy sharing so much with their grandchildren. We should, without question, celebrate them and this special relationship far more than we do.
"My grandad would be a buffalo if he was an animal. He's big and strong and doesn't let anything stand in his way"
So to Miles, Ollie and Jeanie... thank you for sharing your grandparents with me, each in your own special and unique way...