Seasons of Motherhood

Season of Change

As a new school term begins and she turns 14, I’m transported back to a time when I had her thigh-high at my side, a proper mini partner-in-crime. I can remember most of our conversations from back then. With a few I’ve just left right there, in those happy carefree moments when she couldn’t tell the time and I didn’t look at a watch. We had micro adventures daily, we could write books about some of them, maybe we will. This day was about a walk up to the woods. This was about finding the right sticks to bash away the tree pirates and obviously to measure how much the wheat field was growing. Somewhere into the walk would be the question “Did you bring snacks mama? I want blueberries, have you got some?”

This year has undoubtedly been a year of immeasurable adventures for many of us. Mostly and safely closer to home than usual. She may well be nine years older, but this daughter of mine has skipped into a new school year after six months out, with fresh attitude and a little more sass. Not so much my thigh-high baby buddy, nor holding my hand or brandishing sticks quite so much these days, but here before me is a young warrior who’s carving her way in this world with innovation, curiosity and sackfuls of kindness.

This is Artifact Motherhood; a collaboration of artists from around the world who have come together to share our stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Through our writings and visual records, we want to create memories that are more than photographs with dates written on the back. These are the artifacts we are leaving behind for our children and for generations to come.

This entry is the third in a series called “Seasons of Motherhood” and is meant to be one picture and one caption that represents our current journey/season of motherhood.

Please visit the next artist in our blog circle, the talented Jess Cheetham, and continue through all the artists until you get back to me.

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